How Analytics Help Your SEO?
SEO analytics is probably one of the most important aspects of any SEO campaign. In any business, it is important to conduct quality checks and audits of the various departments in order to identify what employees and divisions of the company are performing at optimal efficiency and those which are lagging behind. By conducting an audit of the usage of resources, and the attainment of objectives, measured against the backdrop of the number of deadlines duly complied with this means that overall efficiency is maximised. After all, why waste good money on a defunct and obsolete function that is simply costing an unjustifiable amount of money in the long term?
This is where SEO Analytics comes into play, as it provides a double pronged attack for the website owner. On one level, it will provide the website owner with an effective and transparent breakdown of the pertinent statistics associated with their website including the likes of the volume of traffic generated along with the amount of bandwidth used. From here, estimates and theories can be calculated regarding the inherent value and usefulness of the various keywords and phrases being used so that a balance can be made between those keywords which are generating a healthy ratio of traffic and those which are not.
SEO Analytics (as briefly touched upon in the previous paragraph) will also help the user come to grips with how each of their different SEO methods are faring both on an individualistic basis, as well as a comparative one (i.e. how SEO method A is working compared to SEO method B).
So many novice website owners simply charge head first into a SEO campaign and do not take the time to carefully consider or plan the direction that they intend to take for their campaign. The problem here is that they are adopting an entirely randomised approach, meaning that whether they are successful or unsuccessful they will be forever second guessing the precise manner in which they achieved whatever results they acquired.
Another important issue to remember and be aware of is that when it comes to SEO and doing it well, there are different methods which will have differing degrees of success for each of the different niches. Whilst there will be common ground for them all (i.e. all will benefit from backlinks, and article submission sites), some niches fare far better when exposed to specific methods of SEO improvement. SEO Analytics can help the website owner quickly and effectively pinpoint the precise methods which are best suited for their particular requirements allowing them to cut down on waste and ensure that they keep profits up at an all time high.
SEO Analytics is a specialist subject of ours, here at because we have had a considerable amount of experience dealing with every single conceivable aspect of SEO under the sun and as such, we know when a particular SEO asset/method is not working fairly, and how best to remedy the situation. There are far too many cowboy operators out there who are only concerned with fulfilling their bottom line and who will provide you with a bare bones level of support.
With no realistic means of identifying what SEO methods are working best for you, and even less in the way of actual positive steps that can be relied upon to remedy such issues, the client is left in the unenviable position of trying to contend with a less than fully functioning SEO campaign along with a budget which has been sorely dented. Every dollar you spend on a cowboy operator who fails to provide you with the level of support you obviously need, is another precious dollar that is taken away from a genuine and legitimate service provider.
At ZaheerMalik we do not fob you off with weak comments, non-committal answers and prolonged waiting times for you to get a final answer. Nor will we merely provide you with the bare minimum of detail, and forever leave you in suspense and second guessing the how and why. At ZaheerMalik we view any business transaction as a partnership between ourselves and our clients and as such, we seek to include and involve them in every way possible, as well as every step along the way.
After all, SEO Analytics is designed to provide us with a better level of understanding about our websites, not make us even more baffled than before.