SEO Video Course 01

How to do keyword research part 1

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Video #1 – How ToDo Keyword Research

Inside this video training, we are going to show you, How To Research a Keyword for Your Website Content, step-by-step, let’s have a look…

Okay so now on Google, we are going to search ‘keysearch’ in the search bar and here are the results. We are going to select this ‘keysearch’ website, click on it and it opens. This is its homepage and scrolls down a little bit and here you can see its pricing plans. We have three options, free trial started and pro. So we are going to choose this free trail plan, it allows five daily searches. Click on this ‘Get started now’ button and fill out all of the details and click on this register button. There the welcome page appears giving you the information on how to get started, showing you a video, close it from that button.

So here is your search bar and we have set all locations by default. So you need to insert your main keyword here, for example, weight loss, insert and click on the search button. It will search for all locations here. So we have here a total of 588 keywords here. Scrolling down a little bit on the left side you’ll see search engine keyword suggestions and on the right, we have all the keywords with their volume, CPC etc. Like for this keyword, we have 550000 volume for this keyword. It is showing volume for all the keywords. Now you can also export this data in multiple file formats. On left we have search engine keyword suggestions, you can search those keywords also, like this one, click on it and here in this dialog box it is asking us to search this keyword, click on this yes do it button and it is searching that keyword.

Here is the data, you can also go for deep analysis, down it is showing search trends of the past 12 months. A little below we have SERP analysis, Rankings or traffic analysis for all the major domains here, then social analysis on major networking platforms Facebook and Pinterest.

On the right, we have all the keywords data with volume, CPC, PPC everything we have here. On top left, you can select the location if you want to search for a particular location here. You can also show related keywords, competitive keywords to make the setting from here for Google suggest or Bing suggests. You can also export this whole data in different file formats, suppose select this CSV file format option. All the researched data file is downloaded in CSV file format. If you want to opt for the TXT file format, it will be downloaded in the TXT file format. Open the file and you can see all the details here. So this is basically all about keyword research.

Thank You for Watching!

Please proceed to Video #2, which is the second part of this ‘How To Research a Keyword’ video in which we will use another keyword search tool to search keywords.

See you in the next tutorial!

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