SEO Video Course 16

How To Setup AMP Official Plugin

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Welcome to the SEO Training Kit Video #16 – ‘How To Setup AMP Official Plugin’

Inside this video training, we are going to show you,how you can install and setup AMP official plugin, step-by-step, let’s have a look…

Start with the WordPress dashboard and select plugins tab.Then from it select add new tab. From the top right search bar, search for AMP. So the first result is AMP official plugin by AMP Project Contributors. It’s written over here, official AMP plugin and you can read its full description from here. Then install this plugin by clicking on this install now button. After installation, click on this activate button. Now after activation, go to the dashboard panel and select AMP from it. So this is the AMP general settings customization page. You can see all the controls here and scroll a little bit down and you will have supported templates options. Posts are selected by default and you can also select any other option if you want. On the above in experiences section, we have a website selected by default. Then we have website mode, in which you can select reader, transitional and standard. You can customize all the settings as you want or just leave it as the default settings, and after making changes, scroll down to the bottom to save your changes by clicking on this save changes button. So now all your changes have been saved successfully. Now here on top, you can see AMP for WordPress welcome message and even has ‘learn more’ button to get more info.

Thank You for Watching!

Please proceed to Video #17, ‘How To Test Your Site Speed’ in which we will show you how you can test your site speed.

See you in the next tutorial!

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